As part of a knowledge translation project ("Stakeholder engagement to inform strategies for improving breasteeding education in Manitoba schools"), MILC members Sarah Turner (PhD student) and Angela Blouin (public health nurse) hosted an information booth today at the Science Teachers Association of Manitoba Professional Development day. The goal of the next phase of this project is to create breastfeeding curriculum resources for Manitoba and/or adapt resources developed in other provinces.
MILC members from the Kelly & Azad Labs hosted an outreach table at the University of Manitoba medical school to raise awareness and support for breastfeeding, including information-sharing, lots of conversation, and stickers, as well as displays of life-size posters of breastfeeding mothers from the Winnipeg Breastfeeding Network, and medieval and religious paintings depicting breastfeeding provided by visiting scholar François-Joseph Lapointe. There was a lot of enthusiastic engagement, particularly from first- and second-year medical students! Thanks to everyone who helped to make this event such a success!